Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sheridan Final Film Animation

Final Film from Sheridan - Computer Animation

University of Guelph Artwork

Here are display of more older works from Fine Arts:
I first started off with traditional pencil and oil painting, but in my later years, my artwork became much more focused on ideas and concepts rather than raw technical execution. I also eventually slowly moved towards art history rather than fine arts, continuing my ability to develop and critically analyze concepts.

Study of Live Model drawing
Winter 2008
Pencil, Live Model
Produced all elements

Life Painting
Fall 2008
Oil Painting, Live model
Produced all elements

For this project, we had to paint a live model for a week, but we were able to develop a background of our choice. By placing the male model in a grand sky landscape, it rekindled the long-established notion of man dominating nature.


Squirrel Calendar 2015
Fall 2009
Digital Photography, Adobe Photoshop, Book
Produced all elements (majority of squirrels photos are stock images)
Each student was given twelve blank pages in a combined class book. I wanted to create something whimsical that illustrated my personality. The calendar I made is a fantasy-based dream where my obsession and desire to befriend squirrels is taken to an extreme, from developing intimate relationships to aiding them with their harvesting. I chose the year 2015 so I can access myself in six years to see how much I have changed from who I was in 2009.

Winter 2010
Digital Photography, Adobe Photoshop, Book
Produced all elements

I wanted to create a book that displayed my obsession with animals. As an avid viewer of BBC’s Planet Earth and to food, I wanted to morph myself into all the key animals that were shown eating. By going through the whole documentary series and taking note of both style and narrated description of the animal, I photographed myself in my own habitat consuming ordinary food I usually eat but in the style of different animals. 

Published Article “In the Eyes of the Feline: The Use of Physiognomy in
Eugène Delacroix’s Animal” in undergraduate art history journal 2011
Winter-Fall 2011
Written Essay for art history journal

Click here to read the pdf file.